Thursday, March 26, 2020


Lesson 7 第七課

Three Character Classic 三字經

Practice writing the following words 5 times each:

Practice writing the ZhuYin on Page19 and Page21
Read the third paragraph of the 'Three Character Classic’ to your parents. Discuss it's meaning and how you feel about the message it sends. In addition, there is a short story on the bottom left side, please also discuss that with your parents. 

今天我們還是繼續在第七課, 練習寫字:


讀三字經的第三段給爸爸媽媽聽, 並和爸爸媽媽一起探討它的含義。同時,旁邊有個小小故事,和爸爸媽媽也一起分享,談談你的感受。

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